5 Vagina Myths That Are Hurting Your Health and Your Sex Life - Pro jects

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

5 Vagina Myths That Are Hurting Your Health and Your Sex Life

With the help of top gynecologists, we take down some rampant sexual health rumors once and for all. 

Here at Health, we're dedicated to educating women about the facts on all things vagina-related. Yet rumors and misinformation about this amazing organ just refuse to die—as gynecologists who field questions from their patients based on some longstanding myths can attest.Will my vagina be permanently stretched out after I deliver a baby? Can special soaps keep it clean? Does everyone has a G-spot? “These are things I get asked about all the time,” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, New York–based ob-gyn and co-author of The Complete A to Z for Your V.  In the interest of busting the most persistent vagina rumors and boosting your sexual health smarts, we asked leading gynos to tell us the most common hoo-ha myths they hear from their patients—and then had them put these tall tales to rest.

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